Thursday, May 21, 2009

What an amazing experience

I'm in a huge amount of pain. I can't breathe and my chest hurts. I'm on Vicadin...which is good. I'm pretty drugged up. I've had three IV's , a chest tube and pacer wires pulled out of my body. The chest tube was the hardest. It's about the diameter of a drinking straw, and it was about 10 inches into my body. It hurt like hell when it when they pulled it, and the weirdest thing was that when the dressing was changed, there was about 2" of a "blood tube" hanging out of my body. It was like a umbilical cord. Then they cut it off.


1 comment:

  1. hey you, really enjoyed spending time with you today. hope you sleep great and feel even better tomorrow. seriously? a burger? most excellent. be well.
