Monday, May 25, 2009

Is there anything more to life then being really, really, really, really goodlooking?

So, I've been home for a couple of days now. It's hard to remember. I think that I was discharged on Saturday, and it's Monday now. So what...three days? I've had a couple of blood pressure scares.

Last night, at 10:30 p.m., my bp was 148/100. Which is as high as it's been since the operation. I had just gotten done watching Iron Man with that dreamy Robert Downey Jr., so that probably didn't help. In the hospital, they were giving me drugs to keep it down (my blood pressure), but they didn't have that dreamy Robert Downey Jr. to deal with. So anyway...bp is up, and to me, scarily high.

I made Melissa call Dr. Guber to see what's up, and if this were any call for alarm. He said that as long as it's not above 200/xxx I'm ok. So that's pretty friggin' high. AND, guess what? At 4am this morning, it was 160/100. So I figured "elevator...going up!". I'm screwed. But, luckily it was back down this a.m.

I've had a half a sandwich and some cottage cheese today. Eating is not really appetizing at all. I just ate a gold fish cracker. One goldfish. That's all I need.

I'm just like a supermodel.


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