Saturday, May 16, 2009

Well -- that's about it for me...

I'm not going to be posting again. I go into the hospital on Monday at 9 a.m. I'll be getting the heart catheterization at 10 a.m. Then, I guess that I'm in-patient until the next day.

I go into surgery at noon on Tuesday, and will be in ICU for the rest of that day, and the next day, hopefully heading to a regular room on Wednesday. If all goes well, I should be checking out on Friday or Saturday morning, but I don't really know.

Dawn Paepke will be the person to contact while I'm in the hospital for updates and whatnot. Check the blog first, as she'll be posting updates for me during the procedure. Her phone number is 970.980.4028, but again, please check the blog for updates first, as I don't want to have her inundated with phone calls.

I didn't make a will, as I just couldn't bring myself to do that. And although I know that this isn't exactly legally binding, here is what I want if all goes horribly awry:


I don't really care about my stuff. I guess legally, my parents get it. However, there are a few things that I'd like to give to certain people, and here goes:

  • My Car -- My sister Kathy can have it if she wants it. It needs:

    • Rear Struts

    • Clutch

    • Brakes

  • My 9mm Beretta -- Jordan Weyand
  • My Rifle -- it's not my rifle, it's Mark Moore's. Please give it back to him
  • My Bow -- Rich Young
  • My part of the snowmobiles -- Ry Ry Mo
  • My New Computer -- Dawn Paepke
  • My Old Computer -- Melissa Carerra
  • Framed pictures -- Carol B.
  • Skis -- Who Ever fits them. I have both telemark and skate. Four pairs of boots and three pairs of skis.

  • All my ski apparel -- Lara Carlson. What I want you to do is sell everything, and buy yourself a new shell. And if you already have a new shell, just keep the money.

  • Avalanche Beacon -- Lisa Granatowski

  • Motorcycle -- Carol Busch can have this, as it was her father's bike, and it's only fitting that she have it. I was going to give this to Donna Skupien, so, Carol if you don't want it, it's hers.

  • TV -- Lisa G. Cause it really ties the room together

  • Map Collection -- Carol get's 'em

  • Guide Books -- again...Carol Busch

  • My 401 K -- Please divide between my two god children. It's not worth much anymore, but it's still something.
  • Bike tools, work stand, etc. -- Rich Young & Carol. You two figure that out.
  • Bike Trailer -- Carol Busch
  • Yeti Mountain Bike -- Jordan Weyand. I was going to give it to Chandler, but stupid Chandler just had to go out and get a new one...stupid Chandler.
  • De Rosa Frame -- Rich Young
  • CD Collection -- Lisa Granatowski, just because she hates them so much. But she needs to keep them in the plastic cases.
  • Albums and stereo system -- Dawn Paepke, cause she's a DJ
  • Litespeed -- Dawn knows a guy who needs a bike, he can have it
  • Schwinn Cruiser -- Bill Schenk
  • Camping stuff -- Carol Busch
  • If I've forgotten anything that is meaningful to you, that I own, please let me know, and I'll add you to the list.
  • There is a bunch of other crap, please divide it up, or throw it away...I don't care.

Please don't feel left out if you didn't get any loot. I am just trying to give things to people who need them. Except Lisa and the CD's, that's more to be a pain in her ass than anything. Most of this stuff is in my storage unit. Melissa knows where it is and where the key is.

And, if nobody wants any of this stuff, it's mostly in my storage unit. So, just leave it there, and it'll eventually get sold by the storage unit company when the bill doesn't get paid. How nice is that?

Oh yea...if for some reason I'm left in a vegatative state, pull the plug. Don't want to live like that. Dawn, this is all on you. Sorry. Cremate me. Dump me somewhere cool, with a good view. Maybe in Moab, as I love it there so much. But, really, whatever is convenient.

If I come out of this awake and alert, please disregard all of this.

I'm heading to Denver tomorrow to see Dane Cook with Melissa at the Pepsi Center. I'll be staying in a hotel Sunday night. So, that's my schedule.

Hope I'll see you all on the other side (of the operation...not that "don't go into the light" sort of other side.)

If not, thanks for everything. I love you all.


1 comment:

  1. Dude, if you see "the light," just remember that Grandma L is on that side and she really doesn't want you know its not like you're Brett
