Saturday, May 23, 2009

outta here

Well, they're discharging me this morning, and I'm heading back to Frisco. My Mom and Melissa are heading up with me, and my Mom will be staying for the week and then taking the train back to Chicago.

I'm not sure that I'm ready, but I guess that the doctor knows what's best for me.

Aimee, the woman who Dr. Guber hooked me up with who'se had two on these surgeries (one human, and a mechanical one now) stopped by yesterday - which was just awesome. It was so good of her to take the time out of her day to come see me. It was a good perspective, and she looked great. Super healthy and happy. She said the the hardest part was to come, because I'll be frustrated and wanting to do too much too soon. And that if I do that, I'll just pay for it later. Now get this...the first time she had this surgery, when she was 31, she had a one-year-old child, and she couldn't take pain medication. I can't imagine that. Makes me feel like a huge sissy.

So there is a bunch of activity going on around me, so I'm signing out.


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