Monday, May 11, 2009

trying to drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away

Here is something fun to do...if you haven't had the pleasure, make a will. At this point, I can't bring myself to actually do it, but just having the document open on my desktop is difficult. Oh yea, also write down all your log in and passwords to all you accounts. I think that I have about a million. And, on top of that, I need to get a note from my doctor so my mom can get out of work. WTF is that all about? Really? She's actually retiring at the end of the month anyway, but in order to use her sick time, she needs a note. A note! Do I really need to be dealing with that? That's some messed up shit! I need a drink.

I have to go to a pre-hospital meeting on Thursday at 3pm. But you know what's weird? On the phone, while scheduling this, they asked me if I was allergic to latex. So, I'm not sure if I should be looking forward to this "meeting" or what, but I think I may score.


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