Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day two going as planned

Chris walked about 100 ft. to his new room (2223) and is taking a nap as I write this. They've taken out the chest tube and his scar looks good - you know, as good as a scar can look I guess. It's about 4 inches long. He asked me to take a picture of it so he could see it on the camera.

Chris' Dad left about an hour ago to catch the train back to Wisconsin and Mom is taking a little break driving Chris' car around Denver - Chris is worried she'll get lost.

They plan to have him up and walking around more as the afternoon progresses - he doesn't sound that excited about it but knows it's good for him. And, they said they will let him try and get a full nights sleep tonight without interruption. They are taking the catheter out at some point this afternoon and he's bemoaning the fact that he will now have to get up to pee. Once again, they just want him moving as much as he can stand.

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