Friday, May 1, 2009

Sunny and 55 degrees

It's a bluebird day in Colorado. Sunny, clear and warm. If it's anything like this were you live, I encourage you to take the day off and go on a hike. I'm going to. I have a bunch of work to do first, but I think that this afternoon I'm out. So, if anyone would like to join me, feel free.

Katie is in Chicago, probably already in surgery. I hope it's a bluebird day there too.

Here is what's better to do than be at work:
  • Sit on my sunny front porch
  • Walk 25 feet out my back door to the North Ten Mile creek and go fly fishing
  • Go on a hike
  • Go on a road bike ride
  • Well...pretty much anything other than sit in an office staring at a computer screen

Thoughts to Katie



  1. Its raining in SF, I'm one of 300K people working for a faceless corporation and I just did the calculation that shows I'll pay off my mortgage in 2039 when I am 73 -- hike would be nice

  2. Check out Katie's blog. She doesn't have surgery until next week and leaves for Chicago Sunday. You still on for the 18th? I'm heading out to Chicago to take care of Fischer and want to be back in time for your surgery. Let me know! Bringing down my bike??!!! :-)

  3. Hey Chris, Thanks so much for the call and your wonderful note on your blog about me. You are very kind! I'm actually leaving Tuesday and having surgery on Thursday. You talk about choices, I'm glad there is only really ne choice for me and thats to cut this fucker out. I'll call you over this weekend, between trying to play as much as I can! I'm thinking of you and we'll have to chat over out recoveries! We can challenge each other on the steps back to fitness!
    My thoughts are with you and I know this big fat scary thing will be behind us soon!
    Love to you,
    PS I need to get Blog tips from you because your site looks sooooo much better than mine!
