Wednesday, May 20, 2009

groggy but good

I was able to talk to Chris this morning around 5:30. I had just called to talk to his nurse, Carmen, but she let me talk to him and he sounds good. He's definitely tired and groggy but doing great. They were able to get his blood pressure up enough to give him some Didlaudid and Vicadin (you're supposed to capitalize narcotics, right?). He didn't get much sleep but he probably will tonight.

They sat him up on the edge of his bed and also had him sit in a chair for awhile. Today he'll get to eat and they'll be moving him out of ICU. They're going to make him walk to his new room which Lynn said he will hate but it's good for him. His OR nurse, Cindi Love, stopped by a couple of times. She asked him if he felt like shit and he said he felt worse than shit. He laughed a bit when he told me this so he's definitely coming around. Doc should also stop by today to check in on him.

I told him you are all thinking of him and passed on your good wishes. He was happy to hear that I talked to a lot of you and says 'hello' back.

I'll post more this afternoon.

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