Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day Three

It seems he got some sleep last night but he definitely still sounds tired as I'm sure he will for quite some time. He has had open heart surgery after all! I can't imagine the depth of his tiredness as I'm just worn out from normal life!

They were doing an EKG when I called and I think they have plans for more walkabouts today. He did one lap around the unit and said it sucked. I asked him if it felt good at least to be standing up and he said that it didn't. I think the plan is for him to get out of there tomorrow but I'm not sure so I'll keep you all posted. It's really amazing that his hospital stay will only be about 5 days.

He was waiting for some breakfast and his full roster of visitors today.

To everyone that I've talked to that wasn't able to talk directly to Chris - he knows you've called and I can tell he's so happy that you're all checking in on him.

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