Saturday, May 23, 2009

home and going to bed

Hello everyone -- I've been in Frisco for much of the afternoon. Lisa and Christy made chilli dinner, and it was delicious. Well, maybe it's not really that good, but after hospital food, Ramen Noodles and "just-add-water" potatos would have been an improvement! Just kidding, the tiny amount that I enjoyed, I truely enjoyed. I still have no appetite for food, coffee or wine. I can't drink while on Vicodin anyway (or maybe I can?).

I just took two Vicodin, and now I'm trying to sleep. Earlier I had a nightmare during a nap, and that really freaked me out. So I'm hoping that doesn't happen again. I understand that weird dreams are normal. I wonder if it's my body trying to make me remember the surgery...I hope not. I definitely don't want to remember that.

I wanted to thank everyone who came down to visit me in the hospital, and those of you that just had me in your thoughts. It means more than you can know, and I can never repay your kindness. I can't believe what I've been through, and how hard it was, and I woudn't have been able to do it without your support.

I'll ramble on more about that later as I believe the drugs that are "on board" (in hospital parlance) are begining to take affect. I've done some wierd things on Ambien, who knows what narcotics will do.

Wow. Home just four days after open heart surgery. What a short, strange trip it's been.


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