Wednesday, May 27, 2009

missed my anniversary

My one-week anniversary came and went yesterday, and not a present from anyone ;~)'s been a week and a day since I had my sternum cracked open and a "cow valve" installed. And I have to say that it's pretty weird to think about. Walking around town you run into people you know, and I'm not sure they know exactly what to expect.

Daily activity kicks my ass. Taking a shower for instance pretty much wipes me out. I get to go on three walks a day, and then usually need some sort of rest afterwards. And I still have bouts where I just don't feel good. It's nothing that I can explain, but I think it's a combination of everything that's happened in the past week, the drugs, pain, lack of sleep and hugely diminished appetite.

But, on the upside, I feel good today. I haven't taken a vicodin yet, and I don't feel I need one right now. So that's cool. And, it's finally a nice day out...sunny and (some) blue skies.


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