Friday, April 3, 2009

Waiting for someone or something to show me the way

After meeting with Dr. Carrol on Monday, I decided to finally make some calls to both Stanton and Gueber. I'm trying to get more information on this procedure, and would like to talk to some of the people they've done this to. I have questions, and I need answers. I also want to get their opinions on the choice that I've made regarding the valve option (human), to see if there are any other considerations that I don't know about, or haven't thought of.

Although the human valve can fail in as few as 7 years (which would require a mechanical valve being installed, and coumidin), they have lasted 15+ years. The data that I've seen looks to show a 91% success rate after 15 years. But, it's a crappy fax, and it could very well be saying a 91% failure rate! So, I obviously need to ask some questions on that. And by the way, a fax? Really Michael Vick? How about emailing me a fricking .pdf file that I can actually read? I can't believe that I'm actually considering open heart surgery from someone that can't attach a file to an email and hit "send."

1 comment:

  1. You know, if you were addicted to Heroin this wouldn't bother you nearly as much.
