Thursday, April 16, 2009

Choices Suck

Trust me...I know that I "just need to get this done." But what everyone doesn't understand is that when it's your body, it's different. These choices are dibilitating. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I have time to research and figure out what's best for me, but in many respects, it would be easier if there was only one option.

Here is where I'm at:

Probably going with a tissue valve. Probably going with this new guy or Guber. Probably going to schedule sooner than later.

Actually, the next step is to find out if the Boulder hospital takes HumanaOne Insurance - if that's the case, it's a done deal. The others don't, so my hand has been played for me. (Well, to some degree. I'm not going to select a surgeon that I don't like, just to save money.)

And - I'm not doing anything until I talk to at least one person who's had this operation.

So there.


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