Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Now?

I haven't heard anything from anyone. The last doctor I spoke with (in Boulder), was supposed to give my number to two people who've had this operation, but they've not called yet.

I ran into a friend who I haven't seen for a while, and her father has had his aortic valve replaced (at the Cleveland Clinic). So I'm going to talk to her about that this week, and maybe call him.

In other news...my insurance company, Humana One, is trying to back out of paying for this operation. They're investigating to see if this could somehow be considered a pre-existing condition. I have to provide them with details on the past five years of my medical history.

So, yesterday I sat down and reviewed the last five years of doctor visits - six in the past six weeks, two more in the previous six years. In 2004 I went to a doctor because I had two broken ribs and a concussion, and I think that I had a check up at some point in the last half of the last decade. So I don't think they'll find anything, but I also know that insurance companies really suck. So you never know. And I'm sure that I'm going to have fun dealing with that in the upcoming weeks and months.



  1. I don't know if I can help at all but I will if you want me to for the insurance crap. I'm happy to make phone calls or whatever.


  2. Chris, I was looking for AI support/discussion groups and found this:

    There are a couple members listed there who have the condition, but neither has any recent activity. And there's a group with no posts. So it's not much, but it might lead to contact with others who have similar active-lifestyle needs and some experience with what you're going through. At least it gives you something to do while you wait for these word-of-mouth contacts to come through.

  3. What now? No post for a week; inquiring minds want to know....
