Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Amie, What you wanna do?

Guber called with a reference - the woman who chose the human, and then needed to get a mechanical valve seven or so years down the road. It's weird because Stanton's office said something about HIPA when I asked for references. They wouldn't release any names due to privacy laws. WTF? I think that there are probably plenty of people who've had this surgery that would love to speak to others. Anyway, I'm calling her tomorrow. Her name is Amie.

1 comment:

  1. I understand about HIPAA laws, but that's still pretty lame. Certainly most of the women of Team Survivor are happy to discuss many things about their cancer diagnoses & treatment with other people with similar condition. People understand that it's good to connect with someone who's "been there." I hope you caught up with Amie and she gave you the inside poop. Do tell...
