Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The more I know, the more I know that I don't know

I (literally) just got out of my appointment with Dr. Mark Douthit, in Boulder. I'm sitting in the parking lot, writing this post. Mark would you pronounce that? Do It? Cause that's what he told me to do..."it." Get it done. Get it done now, and you'll be mountain biking this summer. He also recommended against the human valve, and instead suggested a Bovine pericardial valve. This is due to the scarring that occurs with the homograph (human valve), and the difficult nature of the second operation.

He's going to give me the names of past patients (screw HIPA, I guess) to talk to, so I'm looking forward to that. I still haven't heard from Aime. I originally came here to discuss the less invasive procedure, but interestingly, he didn't even bring that up.

I would need to get a CAT scan of my heart prior to this procedure, to be sure that there is nothing else going on in there. The other option is to get dye injected into my heart (via my leg, which doesn't sound like much fun). "Do it" said that the CAT scan would take less time than the paperwork. So, that sounds better then the dye injection.

I can potentially get this done next week. Wow. Just writing that brings up a tidal wave of emotions. Now I'm sitting in my car crying.



  1. Hang in there, man. The stress of facing this is huge, but it only exists on this side of the event. The other side is a normal life without all this hanging over your head.

  2. Hey Chris. Sounds like a super positive development. Talk with the references and take it one step at a time. You'll know what to do.
