Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dying Ain't Much of a Living

I know that I haven't posted anything for a week or so, but my parents were out visiting for a few days, and really, nothing much has changed.

I'm going to call Guber's office today to see what the schedule could be, and get this operation on the books. Although I still haven't talked to anyone who's had the surgery, I feel that the sooner that I get it scheduled the better. And, I'll most likely have some time to deal with all the stuff that I need to deal with (valve choice, insurance, living situation...etc.), before the surgery would take place anyway.

I've not heard from my insurance company either (but, I've been down on the Front Range since Saturday, so I may have something in the mail in Frisco). I had to work at the Cherry Creek Sneak (which is a 5k and 5 mile run in Denver), and I'll be back here this weekend to work the Colorado Marathon.

My heart hurts, which is weird, and not supposed to be happening. So, it could be all in my head. But, just in case, I stopped by my doctor's office on Monday to get my blood pressure checked. And it was normal (132/68). According to the doctor in Boulder, there really shouldn't be any pain associated with the leaky valve, so it may be something else.

So, I'm gonna make the call this afternoon to see what Guber's office has to say.



  1. The Outlaw Jossie Wales - remember watching that with you in our appt on High Street. Think it was you, me and Andy (? Pat's boyfriend) Good times.

  2. good memory...great quote. I'm glad that someone recognized it.
