Friday, June 19, 2009

Someday, they'll find a cure for pain

So it's been over a month now since I've had the surgery (I think that this past Tuesday marked the one month anniversary).

When people ask me how I'm feeling, I'm not quite sure what to say. I'm not sure how I should be feeling. At this point, I'm supposed to have worked up to a mile walk, but I'm already riding my road bike and hiking. Albeit, slowly, and not for very long distances. My heart rate is still averaging around 100 bpm, and I'm not too happy with that, but none of the doctors that I've spoken with seem to be overly concerned (or really concerned at all.) In fact, they don't really want to see me. I think it's because everything went well, and there isn't anything else to do now but heal.

When I met with Dr. Guber, I was informed that I was anemic (lack of iron) from my hospital stay, and that this may have something to do with me feeling dizzy when I stand up (as well as the rapid heart rate). So, I guess that information would've been nice to have, say...oh, about a month ago.

In addition to liprinosil (for high blood pressure) and Bayer aspirin, I'm now taking an iron supplement. I'm trying to be off the vicodin, which I haven't had for a few days now. I definitely feel it too, but I think that it's good to feel the pain, instead of masking it. This way, I know when I do something that I shouldn't.

And, I'm not sleeping! So that's pretty great. I don't know why. I'm exhausted at the end of the day, but I just can't sleep. So it's back to Ambien for me! Hopefully I won't walk into anymore walls or fall down the steps. And I'm about 12 lbs down in the weitht department. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm not riding my bike, and I feel that I've lost a ton of muscle mass. Well, that, and not having any appetite at all. It's hard to eat if you're not hungry. (I know...I know...bla bla bla...You have to eat! Your body needs to rebuild itself...yadda yadda... Trust me, I know. And I've heard it all, from everyone.) However, not hungry = no eating.

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