Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ridin' and Drivin'

I had my first appointment with Dr. Guber today at 9:45am. They took my blood pressure, blood oxygen level and heart rate, looked at the scar, and listened to my heart. All in all, about 10 minutes of quality Dr./Patient time. (Or about 1/12th of the time that it took to get to the appointment).

Basically, I'm doing great. I can drive, and he told me that I could probably ride my road bike. I wasn't given any restrictions as to how hard I could go...just to be sure that I'm comfortable, and feel good.

So, all good news. Now if the weather would just co-operate!

Since I couldn't drive, I came down with Lisa (who's in class today). So I'm now waiting for her to be done with school. I've been sitting at Einstein's Bagels for the past two hours, and look forward to getting the hell out of here.


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