Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Gimme a V! Gimme an I! Gimme a C!

Well, I'm trying to kick the Vicodin. I was taking two, every four hours. And now I'm trying to take just 1.5 in the morning, and then supplement it with some Advil throughout the day. Today, I took 1.5 at 9am, and didn't take another 1.5 until just now (around 6pm).

I see my surgeon on Thursday, and I'm hoping that if I'm down to just a few per day, they'll tell me I can drive again. Not that I haven't been driving mind you. I've taken the 'roo out a handful of times in the past few days, but nothing more than a few blocks. In general though, I feel that it's not good to drive on narcotics. The problem is that your world slows down a bit...and even though you think that everyone you come in contact with is also experiencing this "slow down", they're not. I would guess that while dosed up on two vicodin every four hours, I'm running about 10% - 15% slower than the general population.

Not much, but enough to get me a DWI or worse.

Phil, Jenni and Austin were here this afternoon, so it was good to see them. Next time you see Phil, ask him what it's like to try to smuggle pepper spray through Logan Airport Security. Good stuff.


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