Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Now it's been 10 Weeks

Well -- 10 weeks since surgery. My heart hurts...aches really. I went back to see Guber and got some x-rays done. Here is what's weird - on the x-ray you can see the valve, clear as day. And the wires in my sternum. They look like twist ties from a loaf of bread or something.

Anyway -- everything seems to be ok. The pain is most likely from the healing process. So, I'm taking Advil every four hours or so. Which is helping.

Not much new...still hiking and riding my road bike as much as I can. Still can't run or ride my mountain bike (two more weeks), or shoot my bow. Which I'm anxious to do, as I have to get ready for archery season (Sept.). I don't think I can fire the rifle yet. I'm afraid that if I do, it'll blow my sternum apart. So, that will need to wait for a while.

I'm sleeping like shit, so I'm taking Ambien again. I'm fat too, so I guess that's good.

Anyways, not a lot of posts lately, but nothing of note is really going on.

Hope all is well.



  1. Hey! I know it's a year away but we should be a team for the Urban Assault Ride - have you seen this thing? I would've done it this year Jenni was in town. Super fun and could be something athletic you could look forward to? You ride bikes around town and have to do obstacle courses and games and what not. Fun!
