Wednesday, July 15, 2009

8 Week Anniversary

Yesterday was the eight week anniversary of my heart surgery! Seems like it was a lot longer than that. I know that just over eight weeks ago, I was wondering how I'd be doing at this point. What was it going to be like on the other side of this thing?

I'm happy to report -- better than expected. In the past, when I didn't know what's going to happen, I tended to assume the worst. And it has been hard. But not what I thought it would be. I was riding my bike by June 13th (slowly and painfully), but riding none-the-less. And hiking, and doing a lot of the things that I would normally be doing. The sternum hurts when it breaks. Trust me on this one. If you ever have to choose, do not pick the sternum as the bone that you want to break someday. It sucks. Choose a toe or maybe...well...I can't really think of another good choice.

My heart seems to be healing as well. I'm still experiencing skipped beats (which is very odd), and I can't really push it too much. I think the highest I've gotten it up to was around 160 bpm on a ride. I'm not really allowing myself to go any harder. I'm supposed to keep it at 80% of max, but when you don't know your max, that's rather hard to pull off.

Holy shit -- my friend Kathy Collier had brain surgery! I just found out. So, in the past 8 weeks, of the people I know, there has been one heart surgery and two brain surgeries. WTF?


  1. Its called "getting older." You're into your "f-years" buddy; a lot more people you know will be having a lot more health issues. Stas say that if you live to be 65, there is an 80% chance you'll live to be 85. Since the average life expectancy is 72; it means that a lot more people then you realize don't make it to 65.

    Anyway, glad to hear you're feeling better and doing well - look forward to hanging with you in the old folks home.

  2. That is suppose to be "stats" not stas
