Monday, November 9, 2009

262,800 minutes...

It will be 25 weeks tomorrow. 175 days...since I went in to have my heart valve replaced. I have a six month check up with a new cardiologist tomorrow morning. I'm hoping for the best, but don't really know what to expect. My previous cardiologist came across as rather pompous, so I'm hopeful that this guy will be better. Who knows...maybe cardiologists are all pompous assholes? Either way, at least the new guy is local. I can pretty much walk to the appointment - which is a hell of a lot better than driving to Denver.

I'm not sure how I'm doing at this point, so I'm anxious to find out what an expert thinks. It's not like I'm not doing anything, I'm riding, hiking and running. But it seems that my resting heart rate should be lower. I have both a heart rate monitor and a blood pressure monitor, so I'm rather obsessive about checking these two measurements. And, since that's all I have to go on, any fluctuation in any measurement freaks me out a bit.

But, as I'm writing this, I just checked my BP and HR and it was 132/80 and 76 bpm. So, not a bad morning. A few cups of coffee and I should be able to jet that right up.


1 comment:

  1. Isn't that self fulfilling? Stressed about BP, check BP, now its high, so you worry about checking it again, etc, etc.

    Where did the extra 7.5 days come from? e.g. 175x24x60 is 252K
