Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stress Test's been a while since I've posted anything. I guess that no news is good news!

I went in this a.m. for my first Stress Test Echocardiogram. You're basically wired up to an EKG and blood pressure cuff, and then put on a treadmill to get your heart rate up.

I have to admit that I was slighly groggy, as I consumed a little too much wine the previous night, but in general, things seemed to go well.

They do an echo of the heart, make you run, and then redo the echo to see how the heart (and valve) are functioning.

I was kind of worried about this test, cause you never know...but was pleasantly surprised to hear all is well. Seems that I'm recovering nicely, and don't need to see the cardiologist for another year.

So that's about it. The doctor said that I probably shouldn't compete in athletic events yet (to win...I can certainly participate), but otherwise there shouldn't really be any restrictions.

Hope everyone is doing well.
