Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's raining in Frisco had to end. We've been getting some of the nicest weather the past 4 -5 days - sunny and warm. A lot different from what I hear the Front Range has been experiencing. But now, it's cold and raining.

Not much new on the heart valve side of things. It seems as if the pain that I've been experiencing on the left side of my chest is subsiding. So that should be good.

My friend Ryan just had shoulder surgery, and it looks like he'll be out of action for longer than I was! I was riding my bike just shy of a month after surgery...he'll be out for at least 6 weeks and it'll be 3+ months before he's back in action.

So, maybe heart surgery isn't so bad after all.

IN THE NEWS: This is interesting to me, and I think it will greatly affect my future. Seems that two companies are competing to be the first one to release a new type of heart valve. You can read it here, if you're interested. Basically, it's a valve that is inserted through the femoral artery, and no open heart surgery is needed. Sweet!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Jerusalem Cricket

Thanks to Rich Young for help in identifying the crazy ant-like creature. It is most definitely the Jerusalem Cricket, or "NiƱo de la Tierra." Which I kind of like better. Child of the Earth.

Melissa and I went to Cirque du Soleil last night down in Denver. Here is something interesting about that...

(AGI) - Moscow, 2 Oct. The Soyuz capsule with the founder of "Cirque du Soleil", Guy Laliberte', on board, has docked with the International Space Station (ISS). The docking took place at 10.35 Italian time. This is the 7th visit to space for the 50-year-old Canadian billionaire, depicted in an unauthorised biography as being addicted to sex, drugs and various other excesses.

Anyway, sex additiction aside, the show was really amazing and fun. Quite the spectacle. It was nice to be out doing something a little different than usual.
